Thieman Farm 1956

Welcome to the Thieman Family Genealogy Home Page

By selecting the menu options on the left you will be able to search through our family database, obituaries, photos and other historical documents. This site is not restricted to just the Thieman Family surname, you will also find many other related families. We invite others to send thier documented additions and corrections that will be posted as quickly as possible. If you have information that is incorrectly stated on the website and would like to have it changed, use the Contact Us link on the left hand menu.

Feature Articles

feature 1 Bob Boerger Arrowhead Collection Bob Boerger's arrowhead collection includes artifacts from every Native American culture in Ohio. Some of the artifacts date back 10,000 years.

feature 2 I Remember It Well - Alfrida Wilke Autobiography of Alfrida Wilke. She accounts in her story spending time with George & Olive Thieman and Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Thieman.

Contact Us

email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.