Place List: Champaign County, Ohio

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Place List: Champaign County, Ohio, sorted alphabetically (number of total localities in parentheses):

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1. Adams Township, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
2. Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
3. Evergreen Cemetery - St Paris, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
4. Fair View Cemetery - Mutual, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
5. Graham High School - St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
6. Grimes / Midland Ross Aerospace Co - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
7. Honey Creek Cemetery - Christiansburg, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
8. Kardon Corp - St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
9. Lakeview Industries - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
10. Lutheran Cemetery - St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
   11. Millerstown, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
12. Mt. Carmel Cemetery - Cable, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
13. Oak Dale Cemetery - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
14. Rosedale Cemetery - Rosewood, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
15. Rosedale Machine & Tool - Rosewood, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
16. Rosewood, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
17. Spring Grove Cemetery - St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
18. St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
19. Urbana College - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
20. Urbana United Methodist Church - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
   21. Urbana University - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
22. Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
23. Vancrest Health Care Center - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
24. W H Marvin Co - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
25. West Liberty, Champaign County, Ohio (1)
26. Westville, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
27. White Swan Restaurant - St. Paris, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
28. Willis Electric Company - Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
29. Woodstock Cemetery - Woodstock, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
30. Woodstock High School - Woodstock, Champaign County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location