1. Saint John's Catholic Church - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
2. Saint John's Catholic School - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
3. Salem Mennonite Cemetery - Elida, Allen County, Ohio 
4. Sarah Jane Chambers Living Center - Delphos, Allen County, Ohio 
5. Sarah Jane Living Center - Delphos, Allen County, Ohio 
6. Scot Lad Foods - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
7. Shawnee Cemetery - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
8. Shawnee Manor Nursing Home - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
9. Shawnee Manor Nursing Home - Shawnee, Allen County, Ohio 
10. Shawnee Township, Allen County, Ohio 
11. Shawnee, Allen County, Ohio 
12. Spencerville Cemetery - Spencerville, Allen County, Ohio 
13. Spencerville High School - Spencerville, Allen County, Ohio 
14. Spencerville Middle School - Spencerville, Allen County, Ohio 
15. Spencerville Schools - Spencerville, Allen County, Ohio 
16. Spencerville, Allen County, Ohio 
17. Springview Manor Nursing Home - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
18. St. Charles Catholic Church - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
19. St. Gerard High School - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
20. St. John Catholic Church - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
21. St. John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery - Landeck, Allen County, Ohio 
22. St. John's Catholic Church - Landeck, Allen County, Ohio 
23. St. John's Catholic High School - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
24. St. Johns Annex - Delphos, Allen County, Ohio 
25. St. Johns Catholic Cemetery - Delphos, Allen County, Ohio 
26. St. Mary's Catholic Church - Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio 
27. St. Matthew Cemetery - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
28. St. Rita's Hospice - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
29. St. Rita's Hospital - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
30. St. Rita's Hospital Radiology School - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
31. St. Rita's Inpatient Hospice - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
32. St. Rita's Medical Center - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
33. St. Rita's School of Nursing - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
34. St. Rose Catholic Church - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
35. St. Rose High School - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
36. State Farm Insurance - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
37. Stepleton's Outdoor Development Company - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
38. Sugar Creek Cemetery - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 
39. Superior Coach - Lima, Allen County, Ohio 