US Navy - Vietnam Conflict



Matches 1 to 27 of 27

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Military    Person ID 
1 CROMES, Norman Lee  I175708
2 ERBAUGH, Philip L  I150874
3 FRANCIS, Gerald Roger  I157413
4 GIRARDOT, Thomas F  I117723
5 GREIWE, John H  5/1969 - 6/1970I109305
6 GREVENKAMP, Dale Edward  I86065
7 HARTING, Robert J  I89760
8 HOUSER, Robert William  I90741
9 HOWARD, Herbert Lee  1959 - 1981I170814
10 JONES, L Timothy  1962 - 1965I58191
11 KELCH, Irvin Sylvester  1963 - 1970I32362
12 MEIRING, Kenneth L  I176854
13 MINCH, Walter M  1971 - 1975I45857
14 ORDEAN, John Legrand  I184613
15 PEQUIGNOT, James Kearney  I87130
16 RUSSELL, Kenneth L  1962 - 1968I112714
17 SEGER, Ralph L  I18245
18 SHARP, Donald L  1965 - 1969I103959
19 SMITH, Nelson Roger  I145486
20 STRICKER, Thomas  I72114
21 VAUGHN, James F  I126609
22 VOISARD, James Dale  I142301
23 WEISKITTEL, Michael Louis  I164940
24 WESTGERDES, Kenneth J  I37932
25 WILLIAMSON, Teddy Grant  I189905
26 WINNER, Richard L  I20884
27 WISS, George Andrew  I20176