Place List: Shelby County, Ohio

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Place List: Shelby County, Ohio, sorted alphabetically (number of total localities in parentheses):

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1. 10755 Friemering Road - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
2. 85 Friermering Road - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
3. A & B Machine - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
4. A & M Pallets- Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
5. A & P - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
6. A M Gilardi and Sons Produce - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
7. A&B Printing - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
8. Ace Wholesalers & Distribution - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
9. Advanced Composites - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
10. Agrana Fruits - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
11. Air Handling Equipment Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
12. Airstream Inc - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
13. AK Food Equipment - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
14. Al's Place - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
15. Al's Sharpening Service - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
16. Al's Tavern - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
17. Alcoa Building Products - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
18. Alcoa Building Products Corp - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
19. Alcoa Home Exteriors - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
20. Alcoa Memory Products - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
21. Alexander Electric - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
22. alm, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
23. Althoff Service Station - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
24. American Legion Post 217 - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
25. American Legion Post 355 - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
26. American Trim - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
27. Amos Press / Sidney Daily News - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
28. Anderson Electric Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
29. Angel Street Cemetery - Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
30. Anna Elementary School - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
31. Anna Foods IGA - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
32. Anna Hardware - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
33. Anna High School - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
34. Anna Income Tax Office - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
35. Anna Lumber Company - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
36. Anna Machine and Tool Co - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
37. Anna Nursing Home - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
38. Anna Rescue Squad - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
39. Anna Schools - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
40. Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
41. AP Wilt & Sons - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
42. Arby's - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
43. Area Energy and Electric Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
44. Arkenberg Sand & Gravel Co - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
45. August Wise Saw Mill - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
46. Aunt Millies Bakery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
47. Auria Corp - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
48. Auto Vue Drive-In - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
49. Avondale, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
50. B & B Towing and Auto - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
51. Bamal Fasteners - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
52. Bank One Corporation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
53. Barhorst Insurance Agency - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
54. Barry Staffing - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
55. Baumfolder Corp - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
56. BE/W Mixer Division - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
57. Bee Zee Beauty Shop - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
58. Beechwood Cemetery - Lockington, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
59. Beehive Church - Maplewood, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
60. Bell & Howell - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
61. Ben's Bar & Grill - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
62. Bender's Auto Electric - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
63. Bergman Construction - Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
64. Bernhold Insurance Agency - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
65. Best Western Motel - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
66. Big Four Railroad - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
67. BK Rootbeer Stand - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
68. Bob Evans Restaurant - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
69. Bohman Brothers - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
70. Bolman Trucking - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
71. Borchers Poultry - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
72. Borchers Store - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
73. Botkins Fish Farm - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
74. Botkins Grain & Feed - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
75. Botkins High School - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
76. Botkins Local Schools - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
77. Botkins Rescue Squad - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
78. Botkins Super Valu - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
79. Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
80. Braun's Hardware & Auto Parts - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
81. Brick Barn - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
82. Broering Cabinet Shop - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
83. Brookside Cemetery - Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
84. Brown Industrial Co - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
85. Brubakers Used Car Sales - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
86. Bruckens Bar & Restaurant - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
87. Buckeye Ford - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
88. Bunny's Corner - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
89. Burger King - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
90. Busse and Sons Meat Market - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
91. Campbell Soup Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
92. Carey Cemetery - Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
93. Cargill - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
94. Catholic Social Services - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
95. Cedar Point Cemetery - Pasco, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
96. Central Elementary - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
97. Christian Bookstore - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
98. Church Side Doors & Trim - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
99. City of Sidney - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
100. City of Sidney Parks and Recreation Department - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
101. City of Sidney Service Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
102. City of Sidney Street Department - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
103. City of Sidney Water Department - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
104. Clancy's Restaurant Systems - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
105. Clark Service Station - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
106. Clay Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
107. Clean-All - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
108. Clinton Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
109. Clopay Building Products Co - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
110. Coin World / Sidney Daily News - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
111. Comfort Keepers - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
112. Consolidated Metco - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
113. Consolidated Trucking - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
114. Continental Express Trucking - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
115. Continental Trucking - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
116. Copeland Corporation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
117. Copeland Corporation- Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
118. Copeland Emerson Climate - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
119. Copeland Emerson Family Birthing Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
120. Corrupak - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
121. Crampton Canneries - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
122. Credit Bureau - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
123. Cromes Funeral Home - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
124. Crop Mate Fertilizer Co - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
125. Cuba Cemetery - Turtle Creek Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
126. Custom Foam Products Inc - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
127. Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
128. Cyril Bergman Construction - Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
129. Dan Hemm Auto Mall - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
130. Dana Corporation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
131. Dave's Video - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
132. Dawson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
133. Deam Insurance Agency - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
134. Derby Fabricating Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
135. Dermatology Physicians - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
136. Dial-A-Ride - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
137. Diary King - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
138. Dickman Supply Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
139. Dinsmore Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
140. Dollar General - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
141. Don's Dry Cleaning - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
142. Dorothy Love Retirement Community - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
143. Downey TV Service - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
144. Dr Eric Polansky - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
145. Dr Frank and Dr Martin WCI Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
146. Dr Michael L Peltier - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
147. Dr Richard Breece - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
148. Dr. Curry - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
149. Dreer Auto Sales - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
150. Dunson Supply Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
151. E & E Machine - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
152. E & K Fruit Market - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
153. Eddie's Tavern - McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
154. Ehrhardts Flower Shop - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
155. Elson Ford - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
156. Emanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery - Montra, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
157. Emerson Climate Technologies - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
158. Emerson Electric - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
159. Emerson Elementary - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
160. Emerson Trucking Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
161. Emerson Wagner Realty - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
162. Emmanuel Lutheran Church - Montra, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
163. Ernst BP Service Station - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
164. Ernst Gravel - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
165. ETI - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
166. Evangelical United Brethren Church - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
167. Evans & Schnelle Law Offices - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio (1)
168. Everyday Manufacturing - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
169. Fair Haven County Home - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
170. Fairlawn High School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
171. Fairlawn School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
172. Fairview Cemetery - Oran, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
173. Farmers and Merchants Bank - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
174. Farmers Elevator Co - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
175. Faulkner Garmhausen Keister & Shenk - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
176. FDL Automation and Supply Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
177. Fenner's Lake - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
178. Ferguson Construction - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
179. FGKS Law (Faulkner Garmhausen Keister & Shenk) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
180. Filburn Island Restaurant - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
181. First Federal Bank - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
182. First Federal Savings and Loan - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
183. First Place Designs - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
184. Fleckenstein Gravel - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
185. FMC Dialysis Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
186. Fogt Fuel and Supply Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
187. Fort Loramie Banking Co - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
188. Fort Loramie Cast Stone Products - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
189. Fort Loramie Chiropractic - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
190. Fort Loramie Dental Center - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
191. Fort Loramie Dry Cleaners - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
192. Fort Loramie Fire Department - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
193. Fort Loramie High School - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
194. Fort Loramie Historical Society - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
195. Fort Loramie Home Appliance - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
196. Fort Loramie Ice Co - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
197. Fort Loramie Laundromat & Dry Cleaners - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
198. Fort Loramie Mill - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
199. Fort Loramie Paint Store - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
200. Fort Loramie Sawmill - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
201. Fort Loramie School - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
202. Fort Loramie Schools Wall of Honor - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
203. Fort Loramie State Park - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
204. Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
205. Forthofer IGA - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
206. Foxy Lady Beauty Salon - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
207. Francis Auto Sales - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
208. Francis Furniture - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
209. Francis Manufacturing - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
210. Francis Products (Clopay Corp) - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
211. Francis Schulze Co - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
212. Franklin Nursing Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
213. Franklin Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
   214. Frantz Brothers Construction - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
215. Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge #1403 - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
216. Freshway Foods - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
217. Freyburg, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
218. Friedens Gemeinde Cemetery - Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
219. Friesthler Nursing Home - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
220. Frilling Insurance Agency - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
221. Furrow Cemetery - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
222. G & G Tool - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
223. G & W Tool & Die Co - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
224. Gaiers Chrysler Dodge Jeep R Inc - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
225. Gaiers Service Station - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
226. Galvanized Plating - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
227. Gartland Haswell - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
228. Gartland Haswell Foundry Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
229. GC Murphy Store - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
230. Germany to Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
231. Gilardi Frozen Foods - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
232. Glen Cemetery - Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
233. Goettemoeller & Beigel - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio (1)
234. Goff's Sports Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
235. Goffena Furniture - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
236. Goodwill Store - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
237. Graceland Cemetery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
238. Grain Elevator - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
239. Green Township High School - Plattsville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
240. Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
241. Greer's Carryout - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
242. Grilliot Implement - McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
243. Grilliot Tavern and Store - McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
244. Hance Electric and Appliance- Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
245. Hanselman Garage - Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
246. Hanson Pipe & Precast - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
247. Hardin - Houston High School - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
248. Hardin Elementary School - Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
249. Hardin Houston Schools - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
250. Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
251. Haughton Elevator Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
252. Hays Tools (Industrial Distribution Group) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
253. Henry Schlater - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
254. Henschen Industrial - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
255. Hi-View Lounge - Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
256. Hillcrest Rest Home (The Pavilion) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
257. Hillcrest Rest Home - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
258. Holiday Inn - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
259. Holiday Inn Express - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
260. Holloway Sportswear - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
261. Holthaus Grain Elevator - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
262. Holtkamp Implements - Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
263. Holy Angels School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
264. Holy Angels Catholic Church - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
265. Holy Angels High School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
266. Homedco - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
267. Honda Development and Manufacturing of America - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
268. Honda of America Mfg - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
269. Hosack Construction Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
270. Houston Cemetery - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
271. Houston EMS - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
272. Houston High School - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
273. Houston Schools - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
274. Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
275. Howard's Tire Service - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
276. Howell Cemetery - Montra, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
277. Hoying and Hoying Builders - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
278. Hussey's Restaurant - Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
279. IAG - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
280. Immaculate Conception Catholic Cemetery - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
281. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
282. Immanuel United Church of Christ - Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
283. Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio (1)
284. Industrial Distribution Group - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
285. Industrial Machining Service - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
286. Industrial Packaging - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
287. International Automotive Components - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
288. J & H Superette Store - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
289. Jackson Center High School - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
290. Jackson Center School - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
291. Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
292. Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
293. Jackson Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
294. Jeannie's Beaty Shop - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
295. Jerold's Clothing Store - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
296. Jerome's Menswear - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
297. John's Hair Stylist - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
298. John's Muffler and Tire Store - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
299. Jules Cycles - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
300. K & K Trophy - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
301. K-Ville Inn - Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
302. KBT Trucking - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
303. Kemp's TV Sales and Appliance Repair - Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
304. Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
305. Kirk National Lease - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
306. Kirk National Lease - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
307. Klinger / Thermoseal Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
308. Knouff Excavating - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
309. Koenig Equipment - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
310. Kroger Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
311. Kuenzel Mills Company - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
312. L & F Products - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
313. L & K Restaurant - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
314. Landmark - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
315. Lane Park Assisted Living - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
316. Larger Brothers Milk Transport - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
317. Larger Construction Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
318. Lear Corporation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
319. Lehman Catholic High School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
320. LeRoi Dresser Corp - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
321. Leroy Stamping - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
322. Liberty Folder Corp. - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
323. Lockington, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
324. Logistics Transportation Services Inc - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
325. Long Cemetery - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
326. Longfellow Elementary School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
327. Loramie Bank - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
328. Loramie Township Cemetery - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
329. Loramie Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
330. Lotridge Rubber Company - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
331. Lowes - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
332. LW Busse and Sons Meat Market - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
333. Mack Truck - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
334. Mack Truck Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
335. Main Video - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
336. Maplewood, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
337. Margaret's Inn - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
338. Margie's Beauty Shop - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
339. Marshall House - New Port, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
340. Marwell - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
341. Marwill Products - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
342. Masland Industries - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
343. Maurer Oil Company - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
344. Mauri's Restaurant - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
345. Maxson's Greenhouses - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
346. McCartyville Custom Body Shop & Garage - McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
347. McCartyville High School - McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
348. McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
349. McLean Township Pioneer Cemetery Lock 11 - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
350. McLean Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
351. Menards - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
352. Metal Finishers Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
353. Methodist Church - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
354. Meyers Garage - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
355. Miami Chick Hatchery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
356. Michael Mowers - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
357. Middendorf Stockyard - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
358. Middendorf Stockyard and Grain Elevator - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
359. Midway Machine & Tool - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
360. Midwest Ohio Dental Care - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
361. Mills Cemetery - Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
362. Minneapolis Moline Dealership - Maplewood, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
363. Momma Rosa's - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
364. Monarch Machine Tool Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
365. Monnin Body Shop - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
366. Montgomery Ward - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
367. Montra, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
368. Moore Outsourcing - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
369. Morgan's Place Cemetery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
370. Morris Rest Home - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
371. Mount Gilead Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
372. Mower Doctor - Maplewood, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
373. Mutual Federal Savings Bank - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
374. NAPA Auto Parts - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
375. New Loramie Valley Cemetery - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
376. New Oran Cemetery - Oran, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
377. Newbern, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
378. Newport Auto Sales - Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
379. Newport Cemetery - Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
380. Newport Tavern - New Port, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
381. Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
382. NKP - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
383. O'Reilly Machine and Tool - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
384. Ohio Department of Transportation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
385. Ohio Living Dorothy (Dorothy Love Retirement Community) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
386. Old Oran Christian Church Cemetery - Oran, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
387. Omar Bakery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
388. Oran, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
389. Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
390. Outpost Sports Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
391. Palazzo - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
392. Pangles - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
393. Park Street Garage - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
394. Pasco Grocery - Pasco, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
395. Pasco, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
396. Pearl Cemetery - Swanders, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
397. Peerless Bread - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
398. Peerless Machinery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
399. Peltiers Garage - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
400. Pemberton High School - Pemberton, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
401. Pemberton, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
402. Perry Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
403. PK Lumber - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
404. Plastipak Packaging Inc - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
405. Plattsville Cemetery - Plattsville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
406. Plattsville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
407. Plygem Corp (formerly Alcoa Corp) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
408. Poeppelman Painting - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
409. Port Jefferson Methodist Church - Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
410. Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
411. Praise Temple Assembly of God Church - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
412. Precision Detail - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
413. Precision Details Inc - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
414. Primary Eye Care - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
415. Primary EyeCare - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
416. Prodeva - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
417. Provico Feeds - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
418. Provico Feeds - Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
419. Pulfer's Sohio Service Station - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
420. Quality Door Sales - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
421. Ratermann Insurance Agency - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
422. RCI - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
423. Regal Trophy & Awards Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
424. Reliable Castings Corp - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
425. Rhine, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
426. Rich-Mart Guns & Ammo - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
   427. Richard Paulus MD Family Practice - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
428. Rising Sun Express - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
429. Riverside Carryout - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
430. Roe Trucking - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
431. Rolen Trucking - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
432. Ron's Appliance Repair - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
433. Rose Mary's Beauty Salon - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
434. Rose Valero Service Station - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
435. Ross Aluminum Foundry - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
436. Ross Products - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
437. Ruhenkamp Farm Drainage - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
438. Ruhenkamp Farms - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
439. Ruhenkamp Filing Station - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
440. Rural Route 1 - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
441. Russia Community Center - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
442. Russia High School - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
443. Russia Inn - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
444. Russia Local Schools - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
445. Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
446. S & H Products - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
447. S & M Controls Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
448. Sacred Heart Catholic Church - McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
449. Sacred Heart Church Cemetery - McCartyville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
450. Salem Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
451. Salm McGill Tangeman Funeral Home - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
452. Sankyo - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
453. Saw Mill - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
454. Schafer Dairy Farms - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
455. Schafer Oil Copmpany - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
456. Schaffer Insurance - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
457. Schindler Haughter Elevator - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
458. Schipper Construction Co - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
459. Schnelle Law Offices - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
460. Schnippel Construction Co - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
461. Schwaberow Cemetery - Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
462. Sears - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
463. Sears Roebuck - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
464. Sears Roebuck Catalog Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
465. Segers Restaurant - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
466. Selmco Metal Fabricators - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
467. Senior Center of Sidney - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
468. Shaffer Metal Fab - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
469. Shelby County Auditor's Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
470. Shelby County Clerk of Courts - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
471. Shelby County Commissioner - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
472. Shelby County Commissioners Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
473. Shelby County Courthouse - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
474. Shelby County Courts - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
475. Shelby County Engineers Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
476. Shelby County Health Department - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
477. Shelby County Home - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
478. Shelby County Home Cemetery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
479. Shelby County Maintenance - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
480. Shelby County Recorder - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
481. Shelby County Recorder's Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
482. Shelby County School System - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
483. Shelby County Sheriffs - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
484. Shelby County Sheriffs Deputy - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
485. Shelby County Sheriffs Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
486. Shelby County Transit - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
487. Shelby County Treasurer - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
488. Shelby County Treasurer's office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
489. Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
490. Shelby Hills Golf Course - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
491. Shelby Life Squad - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
492. Shelby Manufacturing Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
493. Shelby Memory Gardens - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
494. Shelby Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
495. Sheps Golden Lantern - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
496. Sherman School - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
497. Sidney Aluminum Products (ConMet) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
498. Sidney Car Care Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
499. Sidney Care Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
500. Sidney Christian Academy - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
501. Sidney City Schools (Middle School) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
502. Sidney City Schools - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
503. Sidney Cooperative Nursery School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
504. Sidney Daily News - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
505. Sidney Econo Lodge - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
506. Sidney Electric Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
507. Sidney Fire Department - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
508. Sidney Ford - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
509. Sidney Grain Machinery Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
510. Sidney High School - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
511. Sidney Landscape Service Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
512. Sidney Machine Shop - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
513. Sidney Medical Group - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
514. Sidney Memorial Hospital - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
515. Sidney Moose Lodge - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
516. Sidney Motel - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
517. Sidney News Stand and Bookstore - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
518. Sidney Pattern Works Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
519. Sidney Police Department - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
520. Sidney Stor & Loc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
521. Sidney Surgical Group - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
522. Sidney Tannery - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
523. Sidney Telephone Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
524. Sidney Tool and Die - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
525. Sidney Transportation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
526. Sidney Truck - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
527. Sidney Truck and Storage - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
528. Sidney Truck and Storage Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
529. Sidney Warehouse - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
530. Sidney YMCA - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
531. Sidney YMCA Child Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
532. Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
533. SMT Industries Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
534. Solid Surfaces Fabricator Plus - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
535. Solloman Electric - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
536. South Park Grocery - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
537. Spring Creek Concrete - Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
538. Spring Creek Corp - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
539. Squire Restaurant (Holiday Inn) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
540. St. Jacob Lutheran Cemetery - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
541. St. Jacob Lutheran Church - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
542. St. John\'s Lutheran Church - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
543. St. Lawrence Cemetery (Rhine) - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
544. St. Lawrence Church (Rhine) - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
545. St. Michael Catholic Cemetery (Old) - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
546. St. Michael Catholic Cemetery - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
547. St. Michael Catholic Church - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
548. St. Michael Catholic Church Rectory - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
549. St. Patrick Catholic Church - St. Patrick, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
550. St. Patrick Cemetery - St. Patrick, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
551. St. Patrick Cemetrey - St. Patrick, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
552. St. Patrick District School - St. Patrick, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
553. St. Patrick, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
554. St. Paul Lutheran Church - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
555. St. Remy Catholic Cemetery - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
556. St. Remy Catholic Church - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
557. St. Remy Catholic Church Rectory - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
558. St. Remy Catholic School and Church - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
559. Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery - Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
560. Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church - Newport, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
561. Sunny Acres - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
562. Sunny Acres Care Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
563. Sunoco Service Station - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
564. Superior Aluminium Products - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
565. Swanders, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
566. Tebbe Pattern Works - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
567. Tender Hearts Preschool - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
568. The Chatterbox - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
569. The Crossing Tavern - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
570. The Golden Lantern Restaurant - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
571. The Landings - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
572. The Loramie Banking Co - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
573. The Pavilion - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
574. The Pavilion Rehab and Skilled Care Center - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
575. The Spot Restaurant - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
576. The Stolle Corporation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
577. The Trails Restaurant - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
578. Thermoseal Inc - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
579. Thetford and Norcold Corporation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
580. Thoma Jewelers - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
581. Tom & Jerrys - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
582. Tom's Body Shop - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
583. Tony's Service Station - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
584. Tooling Technology - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
585. Topp View Holstein Dairy Farm - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
586. Triple M Feeds - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
587. Turners Mens Wear - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
588. Turtle Creek Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
589. UCC Church - Kettlersville, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
590. United Telephone Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
591. US Bank - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
592. US Bank - Sidney, shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
593. US Post Office - Botkins, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
594. US Post Office - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
595. US Post Office - Houston, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
596. US Post Office - Maplewood, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
597. US Post Office - Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
598. US Post Office - Russia, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
599. US Post Office - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
600. US Post Office - Versailles, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
601. Valence Industrial - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
602. Valentine Building Products - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
603. Van Buren Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
604. Village of Anna - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
605. Village of Fort Loramie - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
606. Village of Jackson Center - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
607. Village of Port Jefferson - Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio
608. Vogelsang Cafe - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
609. WABCO Inc (Pneumatic Equipment Division) - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
610. Wagner Manufacturing Co - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
611. Wagner Realty - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
612. Walkup Cemetery - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
613. Walkup School - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
614. Walmart - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
615. Wannemacher Construction - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
616. Wappoo Wood Products - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
617. Washington Township, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
618. Wayne Trail Industries - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
619. Wayne Trail Tool & Die - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
620. Wells Aluminum Corp - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
621. Wells Brothers Inc - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
622. Wells Office Supply - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
623. Wentz Chevrolet - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
624. Wesley Chapel Cemetery - Anna, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
625. Wesley Chapel Cemetery - Kirkwood, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
626. Westerheide Construction Company - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
627. Westinghouse Air Brake - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
628. White Oak Lake - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
629. William Kingseed Farms - Lockington, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
630. Willmans Department Store - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
631. Wilson Health Hospital - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
632. Wilson Hospice - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
633. Wilson Memorial Hospital - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
634. Wilson Memorial Hospital Foundation - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
635. Wolaver\'s Heating and Plumbing Company - Oran, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
636. Woody's Market - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
637. Wreckers Towing - Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
638. Wren Care - Fort Loramie, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location
639. Yeasels Plastics - Jackson Center, Shelby County, Ohio Find all individuals with events at this location